
any 3d model
We can print any 3D model and turn it into a sex doll.
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In the age of Fifty Shades of Grey, sex toys are widely accepted and talked about openly, with sexual liberation being a hot topic. A 2011 study by the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that both males and females alike have high positive and low negative beliefs about women’s sex toy use.

Sex toys can be used to fulfil your sexual needs when your partner is not available, or during intercourse for new experiences and sensations that could stimulate multiple orgasms. If you have been ‘making do’ with a cucumber or an electric toothbrush, it could be time to invest in a luxury sex toy, and here is why:

Self-love is important

Along with being a great way to unwind, solo-play can help women feel comfortable and familiar with their bodies, and loving your body is a sure-fire way to find out exactly what you like and where you like it. Some men feel threatened by their partner using sex toys, so it is important to reassure him that they are not a replacement or that you are not dissatisfied with him – and once you know how to pleasure yourself, he can learn how to pleasure you, too.

Increase your libido

In a survey of 2,000 women by The Centre For Sexual Health Promotion, it was found that women using sex toys experienced higher levels of desire, lubrication, and arousal, and rather than diminishing interest in sex, it boosts a woman’s libido and sexual drive.

Improved sexual experience for two

Sex is exciting at first, and you both want to explore everything together, but generally somewhere down the line it might get a little monotonous with your safe routine, same positions and locations and not really bothering to spice things up. Adding a male sex doll to the mix can help you both achieve pleasure that you’ve never felt before. It is a good way to take your intimacy to the next level and explore new erotic adventures together, and will bring you closer together both inside and outside the bedroom.

Good for your health

Sex toys can help to relieve women of vulvar pain, as revealed in a 2009 study by the University of North Carolina, and can make intercourse less painful and intimacy more enjoyable.

Stress and lack of sleep often come hand in hand, and one way to avoid both is through the power of orgasm. A hormone called Oxytocin is released during orgasm, which evokes feelings of contentment and calmness and reduces anxiety. This ‘love hormone’ also helps aid a restful sleep, so you will feel refreshed the next day ready to repeat the process again.


Women needn’t feel embarrassed about using sex toys, as sexuality is simply another part of our lives that needs nurturing and expressing. As much as we love our partner, and sex with them is intimate and irreplaceable, using a sex toy is a totally separate encounter.

From sex toys, many women can achieve orgasm much easier, and experience stimulation much more intense than any organic stimulation could provide, all while relaxing and taking time to truly focus on themselves. Using sex toys will open your eyes to new exciting possibilities and help you discover much more about yourself.

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