The best

Custom-made dolls
A custom-made doll is not cheap, but it's worth the price. Being able to touch and see the character of your dreams is priceless.
We can turn any 3D model into a sex doll!
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Apparently, there are articles floating around on the internet that claim that Mythical Creations makes and sells child sex dolls. I noticed that none of these articles (that are making these ridiculous claims) are providing any real evidence that proofs that we produce such dolls. It's all pure speculation and a bunch of assumptions.

Some sites that pretty much copied/pasted the article have even added some extra text to report that it's unclear who the owner is of Mythical Creations. That's right! THERE IS NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE because they don't even know who the owner of Mythical Creations is.

These articles should be taken with a grain of salt. I believe in innocent until proven guilty and there is no evidence available that supports their stupid theories. There never will be either because the truth is that we do not sell such dolls.

It's true that in theory, we can make any kind of doll for a customer because we specialize in customs dolls for people with sexual taboos, however, we would never consider selling child sex dolls in our store. Any doll we sell in our store is an adult doll.

If there is any site that has any images that are similar to the ones in our store, then it's because they are selling adult dolls made by us.